Spazio Nel Cuore
Spazio Nel Cuore
Wrote by chance, after a very intense personal and working period, Giulia Falcone’s New Single “Spazio nel Cuore” is a fresh summer song punctuated by the melody that immediately remains in mind.
After writing and composing Underwater
Giulia participates in the writing of this new song.
Arranged by Quentin Bachelet “Spazio nel Cuore” (Space In My Heart) has an 80s vibe and is full of international musical references that inspired Giulia.

So many useless questions
Answers I will never get
So many stupid thoughts
Trying to understand
Only promises and words in the wind
And this silence is like an extinguished fire
Hanging by a thread
I remain suspended in the void
Dancing in the night
Until all pain passes without you
This heart of mine wants to smile
And come back to life
Dancing to the beat of the music
Every movement is freedom
Saving the soul
Turning the page
Making room in my heart
Thoughts like chains
Attracted by abstract feelings
I thought it was easy not to make eye contact with you anymore
Now is the time to forget
I feel the sea coming on my skin
And this new sun burns more than salt
Dancing in the night
Until all pain passes without you
This heart of mine wants to smile
And come back to life
Dancing to the beat of the music
Every movement is freedom
Saving the soul
Turning the page
Making room in my heart
Lettre à mes parents
My first single in French
Giulia Falcone, with her intense and persuasive voice and with her interpretation full of emotion, presents to the public her first single in french. The song “Lettre à mes parents” (Letter to my parents) is a song that tells an important moment in Giulia’s life: her arrival in a great metropolis, with the dream of establishing herself in the musical world, far from her affections, between unknown looks and paths that still have to be marked out, with her determination and the awareness of having to face difficult tests, without ever getting discouraged, always looking forward and head high.
The lyrics and melody of “Lettre à mes parents” (Letter to my parents) captured in full the message that Giulia wanted to convey to her parents and her audience.
The notes of this song written and composed by Davide Esposito, Nicolas Foé and Jean-Etienne Maillard, through the masterful interpretation of Giulia will make the heart of the listeners vibrate with emotion. All sublimated by the beautiful arrangement of strings written by Brice Davoli.

Letter to my parents
Here I am, dad, just arrived
There’s a huge square around me
Warm looks and aloof others
People get lost and find each other
And I’m trying to find myself
Crowds of people in the city every day
And I can’t find
A familiar face
I want to shout my life, my joy, my feelings
I want to sing this flame that burns, touch the hearts of these people
I’m not throwing these words to the wind
I just wanted to tell you that , it’s important
And tell mom anyway
Here the weather is not as good as in the south
There are no mom’s dishes that warm my heart
Instead I have a cat and some flowers
I’ll be back for Christmas
With heavy suitcases and a radiant heart
To tell you about this life
This life I’ve dreamed of so much
I want to shout my life, my joy, my feelings
Sing this flame that burns, touch the hearts of these people
I’m not throwing these words to the wind
I just wanted to tell you, it’s important
I know that the paths that separate us
Can hurt and sometimes a few tears fall down my cheeks
But now I know that all the departures
Even if they hurt, they are worth, even if they hurt, they are worth
I’ll make it in ten years or in a moment
I’ll get my life
I’m not throwing these words to the wind
Here it is, I just wanted to tell you
It’s important